Writing Crushing Codependency and Relational Idolatry has been part of a tumultuous journey that began a few years ago with my husband’s home going. It was at that time, after God put me on a path of healing, I cried out to Him and submitted my will to His.
Weeks before I walked through the door for my first counseling session, I texted my new friend, “I’m here to face the giant!” Already facing giants of grief and depression, the meanest, most despicable goliath in my life was the newly resurrected entrapment of emotional dependency, working itself out in relational idolatry.
Do you grapple with a load of heavy emotional baggage? Is your heart locked behind walls? Are you stuck in an addiction similar to mine? Are you trying to please people?
I write with hope that you will feel relief to find you are not the only one with feelings you don’t understand. Perhaps you struggle with discomfort when you are around certain people or in certain situations. I’d love to hear from you! —Mary
Click the button below for a special download I’ve designed just for you: “Five Signs You May Be Codependent.”